• 18 марта 2017, суббота
  • Москва, Myasnitskaya str., 24/7, building 3

International party

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Другие события организатора

Smart place "Розетка и кофе"
2835 дней назад
с 18:18 18 марта до 0:00 19 марта 2017
Myasnitskaya str., 24/7, building 3

Привет, Hello, Bonjour, Hola, Salut, it’s time for the Big International Day in Mug&Coffee! Our international party is all about expanding the boundaries of communication, friendship, and exchange of experience which means an entire evening of good mood, the warmest atmosphere and lots of new friends!

Here’s the program:
18:18 — 19:00 — Welcome drinks and getting acquainted (don’t worry, no boredom included)
19:00 — 20:00 — Open MIC: "breaking the stereotypes". We’ll start with 10 funniest stereotypes about Russia and everyone will have chance to talk about the stereotypes of his country
20:00 — 20:15 — The most mysterious places in Russia
20:30 — 21:30 — Trivia in English and coffee
22:00 — Punch, dancing, surprises from organizers
In addition to international communication, drinks and music, we invite you to get acquainted with some HSE student organizations and maybe join them, to find co-thinkers all over the world and to participate in different contests.
The price for the whole evening is 650 rubles. It includes oceans of coffee, snacks, punch, party, surprizes.


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