• 29 апреля 2018, воскресенье
  • Москва, Мясницкая 24/7 стр.3

English Corner at Rozetka&Coffee

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Smart place "Розетка и кофе"
2214 дней назад
29 апреля 2018 c 12:00 до 14:00
Мясницкая 24/7 стр.3

English speaking club

Dear friends and acquaintances! 

How many hundreds and thousands of words do you say every day? How many of them are in English? If your answer is not that many, then we have something to tell you! 

We are happy to announce that on 29th of April we will have a great afternoon English speaking meeting! 

Why? Because we want to unite people who love coffee, English language and meeting new friends and who need some practice! 

What is the format of the meeting? There is no strict format. We can speak in pairs, in groups or just listen to each other. You are welcome to hop in (and out) any time between 12pm and 2pm and feel free to bring friends with you!

How much does it cost? The meeting itself is free, but you will need to pay 300 rubles for amazing coffee and cookies that «Rozetka & Coffee» will provide for everyone.

Who is the host? Alexandra — a person who loves English language and loves to share passion for it with people! 

Please register for the event so that we know how much space we will need for everyone!
When? April 29 at 12:00 
Where? Smart place «Rozetka&coffee» (map)
How much? 2 hours, 300 rubles (coffee, tea and cookies included) 


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